Portfolio Overengineered 😉

Hello and welcome! 👋🏼

Hi there, I go by Alex. My mum named me after Alex Haley. 💫
I excel in backend development 🛠️, and infrastructure engineering 👷🏻.

Frontend is not my strong suite, hence this UI 😅.

This portfolio project specially focuses to flex backend muscles 💪🏼. The UI will be kept as minimal as possible.

Technologies used/to be used

  1. FastAPI 🏃
  2. VueJS 🖼
  3. Docker 🛳️
  4. GitHub Actions ⚙️👷🏻
  5. Sentry 👀
  6. Hosted on AWS EC2 ☁️
  7. Vercel 💫
  8. Cloudflare 🌐
  9. Nginx 🔄

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